7 Top Tips on job offers!

You get the call, you’ve got the job – elation, relief and then a ‘pause’…….do I want the job, why do I want the job? 

Take a deep breath, put the euphoria to one side (for at least an hour!) and think through the key points:

  1. Does this role/offer match my aspirations for this career change or job move/promotion?
  2. What doubts, if any, do I have and what can I do to address these? ( some suggestions could be an informal coffee with the new line Manager, meeting the team or reaching out to your coach)
  3. Do you have a clear idea of how your role fits into the business structure and what is expected of you?
  4. Have you established how your success will be measured and the timelines expected?
  5. Does the job add value to your CV and long-term plans?
  6. Have you checked the logistics of journey, travel requirements or working from home guidance?
  7. Do you want to negotiate any elements of the offer? (Check when the next pay review is due as it may be 18 months away!)

If you feel confident that you have positive answers to all these questions – or any others that you thought of – then hit accept and go celebrate!

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